

Flipuent is a modern and highly customizable revisitation of the Windows Vista Aero Flip 3D feature, made with WinUi 3 and Fluent Design.

Compatibility, availability and price

Here you can find some technical details about Flipuent, where it’s available and how much it costs.

Operating systemAt least Windows 10 version 19041 (2004)
Price / adsFree without paid DLCs or advertisement.
Want to support my work? Check out my PayPal here!
Downloadable fromMicrosoft Store
Is still supported / in developmentYes

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Flipuent is like a remake of Aero Flip 3D, a fancy Alt+Tab that Microsoft added inside Windows Vista. This is how it looked back in the day:

This is my take on that feature, removed since Windows 7, with the latest Fluent Design in mind and a lot of customization options.

Inside the Flipuent settings pages, you’ll be able to customize:

This my first public app to use the Windows App SDK and WinUi3. This makes Flipuent in line with other pre-installed Windows apps. It’s very fluid relative to previous apps made with WPF (ModernGlance and Live Tiles Anywhere).

Since I really liked making this app with WinUi3, I will make future and existing apps use this technology. Some portings may require different months. One of these is already actively in the works 👀.


Here’s how Flipuent looks:

Have a question or a suggestion? Do you want to support my work?

If you have some issues with the app or you want to suggest a feature, I’m here to help!
If you like my work and want more, please support me with a donation. You can follow my PayPal link below.

What to expect with future versions

It’s still the first release for Flipuent. Users will contact me and send some suggestions. At the moment I can think of…